Look at the following concepts. Link these to the terms below to their corresponding
statement. Write down only the number of the question and the symbol (1) - (a).
1. Language
2. Pidgin
a. The social and cultural roles, behaviors,
expectations, and attributes that a society
considers appropriate for individuals based on
their perceived or assigned sex
b. language used for communication between
people whose first language differ.
3. Indigenous Language
4. Endangered
5. Style
6. Language Family
C. the study of the relationship between language
and society
d. A situation in which a language maintains its
vitality, even under pressure.
e. the way speakers convey the same information
f. learning both languages at the same time
without separation where languages are not
seen as bounded entity
7. Standard language
g. language is that they are languages that are
particular to a certain place
8. Register
h. A language that is likely to die, that it is, lose its
speakership base and become abandoned in
favour of another language
9. Gender
i. Every person shall be entitle to enjoy, practice,
maintain and promote any culture, language,
tradition or religion subject to the terms of this
Constitution and further to the condition that
the rights protected by this Article do not
impinge upon the rights of others or the
national interest