Question 2
As a head of a TVET College, how would you go about the budgeting process?
(a) Outline steps you would follow during the budgeting process
(b) What budgeting approach would you prefer and why?
Question 3
Managing assets effectively for utilities is not optional these days. Whether it is in asset-heavy
or non-asset-heavy industries, asset management is crucial. Buildings; computers; office,
classroom and workshop furniture; air conditioners; workshop machinery; and office
equipment are many of the fixed physical assets that need to be managed at a TVETCollege.
(a) State two reasons why it is important to manage assets.
(b) Use the list of the fixed physical assets given and develop an asset management plan for
any of the assets in terms of quantity and state of the asset; levels of service; lifecycle
management and management strategies.
Question 4
The Namibian Public Procurement Act 15 of 2015 regulates the procurement of goods, works
and services, the letting or hiring of anything or the acquisition or granting of rights for or on
behalf of, and the disposal of assets of, public entities. As a head of a public vocational training
centre you will be an accounting officer:
(a) Outline any three powers and functions of an accounting officer
(b) As the head of a vocational training centre you discover that the TVETtrainers need to go
for &Continuous Professional Development (CPD).The budgeted amount for CPDis not much,
but your desire is to have your trainers go through a CPD programme worth the value and
(i) What type of service will be procured for this intervention?
(ii) What method of procurement is suitable for the type of service you mentioned in
(c) With examples from the TVETcontext, state two conditions in which a request for a sealed
quotation method of procurement is applicable.
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