Question 4 [13 marks]
Let X CC, f:X — Ca function andaeé X.
a) Prove that f is continuous at a if and only if for each ¢ > 0, there exists some 6
such that f(Ns(a)N X) C N-(f(a)).
b) Let (zn) € N be a sequence in X which converges to a. If f is continuous at a, prove
that (f(zn))n is convergent and lim f(zn) = f(a).
c) If f is not cintinuous at a, prove that there exists a sequence (wn)n in X which
coverges to a but (f(w,))n does not converge to f(a).
Question 5 [18 marks]
a) When does the path integral f f(¢) d¢ exist? Explain!
b) Let y be a continuously differentiable path. If f f(¢) d¢ exists, show that f f(¢) d¢
exists and
[row=| r-oa.
c) Let a and £ be two paths in C. When does a + f exist? State the definition and
show that a + @ is a path.
Question 6 [17 marks]
a) State and prove the addition theorem of the exponential function.
b) Let exp: C — C be defined by exp(z) := e?. Show that exp is a homomorphism
from the additive group C+ onto the multiplicative group C% of the field C. (6]
c) What is a period of the function exp? Show that the periods of exp form the
subgroup (277) of Ct.