2.3 The Investment-Savings (IS) and Liquidity Preference — Money Supply (LM) models
of acertain 3-sector economy, Y = C +1 +G, economy compose the following:
I =50-25i
= ¥—T
M“ =Y —25i.....demand
= 200.......... supply
Derive the JS and LM equations and hence determine the equilibrium levels of
income and rate of interest, where P = 2.
2.4 A firm uses labour (L) and machines (K) to manufacture their products. The cost of
labour is NS 40 per unit and the cost of using a machine is NS 10.
2.4.1 Derive the budget line of the firm.
2.4.2 Sketch a budget line for this firm, showing the combinations of (L,K) with total
cost of NS 400, label the budget line with (C,).
2.4.3 On the same graph, sketch another budget line with total cost of NS 200, label
it with (C2)
2.4.4 Discuss your observations between the two-budget lines.
QUESTION 3 (25 marks)
3.1 A firm ‘s short-run production function is given by Q = Le~°°".
3.1.1 Find the marginal product of labour?
3.1.2 AtZ = 50, determine whether the firm’s maximes its production level?
3.1.3. What will be the production output at L = 50?
3.2 Given the production
3.2.1 Determin. e the margin: al products of adeQ and rdsQ
3.2.2. Showthat MRTS 2= k7 andgy KK~20 4+L1 2h8a— 2Q
3.3. Determine 2, if 2x3 — 3y?+ 7xy =0