2.1 Describe the different types of managerial skills and competencies required from
managers. Which one is most needed to be a successful 21st-century manager? Motivate your
2.2 How management is practiced, is continuously being challenged by developments in the
world and in the immediate environment in which organisations operate. Give an overview of
these challenges.
2.3 Compare and contrast between behavioral and contingency theories of leadership (8)
2.4 Discuss,with relevant examples, the different types of leadership power. {10)
2.5 Discusswork engagement under the following aspects:
a) Contrast between job engagement and organisational engagement (4)
b) Explain the different components of job engagement
2.6 Leadership and Management Development (LMD) should be organisation-based with a
clear strategic focus. Discuss the different work-based learning methods that can be
incorporated is such a plan.
2.7 Discuss the four (4) ethical dilemmas that is most common to our own experiences, as
researched by R. Kidder.
2.8 Intelligence and leadership effectiveness are related, but there is an ongoing debate about
the nature of intelligence. With this in mind, discuss the triarchic theory of intelligence as
proposed by Sternberg
2.9 Explain the implications of emotional intelligence (EQ)for leadership.