Question 3
30 Marks
Fortress limited is a company that manufactures and supplies beers in Namibia and the USA. The
Fortress is situated in Windhoek, Namibia, since Windhoek provides excellent access to water,
water being one of the most important ingredients in beer. The barley used in the production of
beer is also produced by local farmers. Fortress limited identified market opportunities in US,
including having access to finances to banks in Europe and product trading. The MD of the company
has asked your assistance to account some of the company's foreign exchange transactions.
Fortress Limited incurred the following four transactions payable/receivable in American dollars
during the reporting period ended 30 April 2017:
1. Inventories purchased of N$ 200 000.
Transaction date
Payable on
Only 60% of these inventories were sold on 30 April 2017
1 January 2017
15 April 2017
2. Non-current loan of $1000 000
Received on 1 February 2017
N$5 100 000.
The loan was incurred for five years.
Interest is payable at 15% per year on 31 December each year.
The loan is repayable on 1 February 2022
3. Specializedequipment of $500 000
Transaction date
Taken into use (had however arrived on the site, ready for use
On 1 April 2017)
Installation costs paid on 1 April 2017
1 March 2017
30 June 2017
15 April 2017
N$210 000
4. Inventories sold of $100 000
Transaction date
Payable on
1 April 2017
30 April 2017
The cost of the inventory sold amounted to N$401 538.
Additional information
1. The applicable exchange rates are:
1 January 2017
1 February 2017
1 March 2017
20 March 2017
1 April 2017
15 April 2017
30 April 2017
30 June 2017
Spot rate N$ to $1.00