Remote Sensing 1
the information provided below to answer your questions. The colour composite images
provided were generated from a spectral and spatial subset of a Sentinel 2 image. The
image subset had 4 bands, and width of 490 columns and a height of 629 rows. The original
file name from this image was: "S2A_MSIL2A_20200415T081601_N0214_R121_ T34KFE"
a. Using Sentinel 2 as an example, explain in your own words what you understand about
the term a remote sensing platform and a remote sensing sensor?
b. Specifically which platform were these images acquired from? How did you determine
c. What was the time and date when this image was acquired? How did you determine
d. All four bands in the spectral subset are the same spatial resolution and different
combinations of bands were used to generate the different colour composite images.
Based on the 2 colour composite images provided below, which Sentinel 2 bands do you
believe are included in the image subset? Explain your answer.
e. Based on your above answer (2.ld), indicate what you believe the spatial resolution in
meters would be (no resampling is done on the original spectral bands) of these bands?
Explain how you arrived at this answer.
f. Based on the answer you provided in the above answer (2.le), calculate the image
footprint size (i.e. the length, width and area on the ground) that this image spatial
subset covered. Show how you calculated this, and express your answer in km/km 2•
g. Using the colour composites provided, at the end of the script, explain what is an image
colour composite. Identify what type of colour composites are provided, and explain (in
the order of the RGBchannels for creating displays) the order (i.e. which band is applied
to the red channel, etc) in which the spectral bands were applied to generate these
different colour composites.
h. In the Composite 2 image, provided at the end of this script, there are 5 terrestrial
features that have been pointed out (A-E). Identify what these features are, and explain
Second Opportunity Question Paper
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JULY 2022