Question 1
A. Define the following terms:
I. Conflict
II. Conflict management style
Ill. Recognition agreement
IV. Shop steward
V. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
[20 Marks]
{2x5=10 Marks)
B. Explain the following terms with a practical illustrated example on each.
(5x2=10 Marks)
i. Zone Of Potential Agreement (ZOPA)
ii. Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)
Question 2
[4x5=20 marks]
Explain the difference between the following terms using examples:
a) Interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts
b) lntragroup and intergroup conflicts
c) Functional and dysfunctional conflicts
d) Positive and progressive discipline
e) Concilliation and arbitration
Question 3
[10 x2=20 marks]
a) Outline ANY FIVE (5) purposes of the labour act in Namibia.
b) Discuss ANY FIVE(5) rights of an employee who is a member of a trade union.
Question 4
[20 marks]
Read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow.
Josef Anna-Marie is senior marketing officer at the VTC you are heading. The colleagues at
the VTC accuse her for insulting them, disrespect and use of vulgar language whenever small
mistakes occur. The way she treats her sub-ordinate is very inhuman. But one good attribute
about her is that she is very productive with her work. She is really adding professional value
to the VTC when it comes to her hands on tasks. Her sub-ordinates reported her conduct to
your office are you are requested to intervene immediately as the head of the VTC.
a) What would be the appropriate conflict management style(s) to address the conflict
situation and convert it into a functional conflict? Elaborate.
(5 marks)
b) What would be the incorrect conflict management style (s) to address the confict
situation? Elaborate.
(5 marks)
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