Critical City Structure and Components
Question 1
Town and Regional Planners can rate the utility value of different shopping centres in a town for a
specific customer. Describe the model you would use to rate the utility value of shopping centres.
Question 2
The City of Windhoek would like to develop additional public open spaces in line with its Open Space
Policy. Describe the general principles that must be considered when the locality of a new Public
Open Space must be decided upon.
Question 3
Lewis, through the Lewis' Structural Change Model, suggested that the modern urban industrial
sector would attract workers from the rural areas and subsequently have an impact on the physical
structure and components of our cities and urban Areas. Provide a detailed description of Lewis'
Structural Change Model inclusive of how it changes the city's physical structure.
Question 4
The layout forms of modern cities are dominated by the traditional street patterns found in these
cities. Describe at least 5 of these traditional street patterns.
Question 5
The locality of wholesale and warehousing enterprises within a city is influenced by a unique set of
factors. Describe these factors.
Second Opportunity/
Supplementary Examination Question Paper Page 2 of 4
July 2024