Question 1: (Historical background)
6 Marks
What historical event did beer production make to the process of bread making and what impact did it have
on the bread? Explain.
Question 2: (Organization/ Baking and pastry careers)
4 Marks
What are the personal characteristics that are important for the successof bakers and pastry chefs?
Question 3: (Hygiene)
9 Marks
Name the 3 main food hazards categories that can occur in a bakery and give two examples of each
Question 4: (Ingredients)
What is the difference between Stone grinding and roller milling? Explain in detail.
8 Marks
Question 5: (Ingredients)
What are the four functions of fats in baked goods?
4 Marks
Question 6: (Ingredients)
7 Marks
What kinds of chemical leaveners are used in the bakeshop and how do they work in principal?
Question 7: (Equipment)
8 Marks
What are the principal types of dough-handling equipment used in the bakeshop? Name 4 of them and
describe in brief how they work.
Question 8: (Basic Baking principles)
8 Marks
Describe the following terms in detail and explain what role it plays in the formation of the dough/ baked
8.1 Oxidation (4)
8.2 Leavening (4)
Question 9: (Understanding Yeast doughs)
What are the three major purposes of mixing yeast doughs? Explain briefly.
6 Marks
Question 10: (Lean Yeast doughs)
10 Marks
What is the procedure for the straight dough mixing method and how is it different to the modified straight
dough method and why?
Question 11: (Sponges and Pre -ferments)
How does a baker start and maintain a sourdough starter? Describe in detail.
7 Marks
Question 12: (Rich yeast doughs)
8 Marks
What is the rolling-in procedure for laminated yeast doughs? Describe how to make a laminated dough such
as Croissants or Danish Pastry.
Question 13: (Deep fried desserts, pancake and waffles)
7 Marks
What are Crepes and for which preparations can they be used for? Explain what crepes are and mention
some of the desserts that can be made from crepes.
Question 14: (Basic Syrups, Creams and sauces)
10 Marks
Explain the effects of fat, sugar, and temperature and other factors on the whipping of egg whites into
foams. Outline the guidelines/procedures for making meringues.