3.3 Development of higher order thinking skills such as problem solving is one of the
principles of the humanistic learning theory.
3.4 The lack of involvement of the trainers was a major obstacle in the change from modular
to the CBETsystem in Namibia.
3.5 The Kirkpatrick's model is used mainly for formative evaluation.
Question 4
Read the CaseStudy below and answer the questions accordingly.
As required by this Vision. the country will operate a totally integrated, unified. Ii
flexible and high quality education and !mining syslem, that µreparns Namibian
learners to take advantage of a rapidly changing global environment, including
developments in science and technology. This,
would and Lhalcontribute
Lothe economic and social development of Lhet;ilizen.s. There will be equal access
to excellent educational and vocational training institutions and quality sports
services/facilitie. by all with basic education placing emphasis on Science and
Mathematics. Public education, covering every area of life and living. will be an
integral part of the system of continuing education which i!i free and open Lo
everyone in Namibia. Moral education \\.Viii be well integrated into the school
curricuJa. 1norder to meet the exigencies of indust1ial transformation. Namibia
will continue Lomonitor cross-.secloral internal and external development in the
field of"knov.·ledge. information and technology" and assesses it!i impact on the
rights of Lheindividual and the funcLioning of society and Lhenational economy. II
Arising from the overall capacity building investments, N.mtibia will be
lransfo1med into a knowledge-based society, and changes in production and
information technology will revolutionalise all aspects of the mam1focturing
proce~s. Relationships with customers and suppliers and the manner in which
products are marketed and soTd,wouftl receive quality attention.
4.1 In your opinion what are the two critical sources which influence the curriculum design
of education and training in Namibia. Give reasons for your answers.
4.2 Namibia incorporates the Perennialism educational philosophy for the TVETcurriculum.
What are the main characteristics of this philosophy?
4.3 Name at least 5 stakeholders involved in developing the TVET curriculum in Namibia.