d. Nekton
e. Pelagic
9. Which of the following options is not a source of food deep-sea organisms?
a. Dead phytoplankton
b. Dead zooplankton
c. Feacal droppings from pelagic fish
d. Dead intertidal zone benthos
e. Macrophyte detritus
10. Which of the following vertical profile of the marine benthic environment
sponges be the most dominate species in the ecological communities?
a. 0 to 100 m
b. 100 to 500 m
c. 500 to 1000 m
d. 1000 to 2000 m
e. 2000 to 7000 m
will the
11. The full scientific name of the largest bacteria discovered in the Namibia marine
environment is -------
Section B:
12. a). With the aid of graphical illustration, briefly explain how a conformer and a regulator
will respond to changes in their respective environment.
b). Name any group of marine organisms with each of the following
transportation in their blood:
i. Haemocyanin
ii. Haemerythrin
iii. Chlorocruorin
pigments for oxygen
c). With suitable examples, explain how marine benthic organisms are adapted to
withstanding effects of water currents.
d). With the aid of suitable diagram, discuss hydro-mechanical burrow by benthos on the
Section C:
13. a). Using suitable examples, explain the various evolutionary strategies used by marine
prey organisms in avoiding predators in the environment.
b). With suitable ecological examples, explain the major causes of patchiness in the
distribution of marine plankton.