Question 1
1.1. There are two basic types of plant propagation in fruit tree production. Name and briefly explain
1.2. Fully describe the stages of development of the deciduous fruit tree.
1.3. Discuss in detail the Banana's climatic, soil, and fertiliser requirements.
1.4. Describe the sowing methods of Banana.
Question 2
2.1. Fully describe the climatic and soil requirements of lettuce.
2.2. Differentiate between aggregate and multiple fruit and give examples of each.
2.3. Describe the soil requirements of sweet potato.
Question 3
3.1. Briefly explain the four (4) factors that have an influence on the tillering ability of a wheat cultivar.
3.2. List five different types of maize.
3.3. Briefly explain four different stages of soil cultivations intended for growing wheat.
3.4. Name at least four climate resilience seeds used in experiments at MADI.
Question 4
4.1. Differentiate between early vegetative development stage and flowering stage for maize. [10]
4.2. Briefly explain the four (4) factors that have an influence on the tillering ability of a wheat cultivar.
4.3. Describe in detail the soil requirements of tomato crop.
4.4. Explain why legume crops are important in crop rotation with other crops and give one examples
of a legume crop.
TOTAL [100]