1.1 Define the following concepts.
a. Project stakeholder
b. Project cycle
c. Project structure
d. Work Breakdown Structure {WBS)
e. Activity Network
1.2 Mention two (2) types of project structures.
1.3 Mention at least three (3) features of project management that distinguish it from other
forms of management.
1.4 With aid of examples, distinguish between internal and external stakeholders.
1.5 One of the techniques of project scheduling is Program Evaluation and Review technique.
Briefly describe the function of this technique in TVET projects.
2.1 Mention and explain the criteria for the Work Breakdown Structure {WBS).
2.2 Explain the importance of Organizational structure in Project Management.
2.3 Briefly explain the five (5) phases of the project life cycle.
2.4 Briefly outline at least five (5) issues that lead to project success.
2.5 Explain in detail, what causes project failure.
3.1 Discuss in detail the benefits of creating a Work Breakdown Structure
3.2 Suppose the Regional Council, in your Region has contracted you to build a house of one
of the marginalized families in town.
a. Identify at least five (5) activities of your choice of building this house from
the beginning to the end.
b. Draw a diagram and indicate the Work Breakdown Structure of the activities
identified in a, above
c. Using the same diagram, do the Activity Network of the activities identified in
TOTAL: 100