The following audit report was drafted by a trainee on the audit report of Litetech (Pty)
Ltd a company which manufactures lighting systems. The trainee was asked to draft
the report at the conclusion of the audit for the financial year ended 30 June 2021 as
part of the on-the job training and as part of your training you have been asked to
evaluate his report. The shareholders of Litetech (Pty) Ltd included a clause in the
company's Memorandum of Incorporation which requires that the company's annual
financial statements are externally audited.
Independent report.
To the board of directors.
We have evaluated the accompanying financial statements of Litetech (Pty) Ltd for
fairness based on our annual audit carried out in terms of the memorandum of
Incorporation of the company.
Management is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and for the
prevention of fraud.
The auditor's responsibility is to perform the audit and in doing so, to detect any fraud
which may have a material effect on the financial statements not having been prevented
by the directors.
We report on the following aspects of the audit
1. An expert was engaged by our firm to assist in the valuation of work in progress. Due
to the complexity of some of the company's lighting system, the risk of misstatement in
work in progress warranted this.
2. The company is currently being sued by a former employee who suffered personal
injury at work whilst testing electric current flow during quality control procedures.
3. With regard to the detection of fraud we detected a small wage fraud relating to
unauthorized overtime. We reported this to management who subsequently dismissed
the perpetrators.
In our opinion, except for the matters raised in 1 to 3 above, there were no outstanding
issues arising from the audit which was conducted in terms of the International
Standards on Auditing and the International Financial Reporting Standards