Integrated Environmental Management
Question 1
Select the correct answer. Only write down the number, for example (a) i.
(a) The current era is sometimes known as the Anthropocene, because ...
(i.) It is the era in which humans have evolved.
(ii.) It is the era in which humans have had the biggest impact on the world.
(iii.) It is the era in which humans invented air travel and telecommunication
(iv.) It is the era in which anthrax has been used as a biological weapon
(b) The combustion of fossil fuels will negative affect the following planetary boundary/boundaries:
(i.) Climate Change
(ii.) Atmospheric aerosol loading
(iii.) Ocean acidification
(iv.) All of the above
(c) According to the Namibian Constitution, the duty to investigate complaints concerning the over-
utilization of living natural resources, irrational exploitation of non-renewable resources,
degradation and destruction of ecosystems and failure to protect the beauty and character of
Namibia is the responsibility of ....
(i.) The Sustainable Development Advisory Council
(ii.) The Ombudsman
(iii.) The Minister of Environment and Tourism
(iv.) The Environmental Commissioner
(d) The purpose of an environmental audit is to ...
(i.) Inform the environmental authorities of potential impacts of new legislation
(ii.) Assign blame for poor environmental management practices
(iii.) Improve environmental performance of an organization and/or ensure compliance with industry
(iv.) Measure harmful emissions over time
(e) An Environmental Clearance Certificate is valid for a period of ...
(i.) 1 year
(ii.) 3 years
(iii.) 5 years
(iv.) 10 years
(f) A company operating a manufacturing plant has developed an Environmental Management
System (EMS). A key aspect of this EMS would be to ...
(i.) Maximize profits to shareholders of the company
(ii.) Develop an environmental policy for the company
(iii.) Implement financial audits
(iv.) Keep record of technical specifications of machinery
(g) Cradle-to-grave analysis is also known as ....
First Opportunity Question Paper Page 2 of 4
November 2022