Question 1 [25 marks]
1. Clearly draw a distinction between the main arguments of David Hume and Adam
Smith's critics of Mercantilism.
2. Draw a clear distinction of Adam Smith AA and David Ricardo CA, in explaining the
basis of international trade?
Question 2 [25 marks]
With the aid of graphs where necessary explain, the H-O model robustness of gain form trade
under the 2x2x2 assumptions:
1. Different production capacity and different consumption level
2. Disequilibrium of the OC and how the ToT is improved for the home country
Question 3 [25 marks]
Write brief notes on each of the following:
(a) Trade creation and trade diversion.
(b) Economic union and monetary union.
(c) Implications of an appreciation and depreciation of a currency.
Question 4 [25 marks]
The terms of trade (ToT) of less developed countries (LDCs) are often unfavourable. Present
a critical analysis of the ToT of LDCs. Do the LDCs have options to rectify the situation?
Please motivate your position.
Question 5 [25 marks]
Multinational Corporations are sometimes regarded as "international cockroaches". Do you
agree with this statement? Motivate your position.