Planning for Housing
Question 9
The Government of Namibia's Mass Housing Program will be implemented through seven sub-
programs. Amongst others the following relates closest to the practice of urban planning: (1) Land
use planning, (2) Informal settlements upgrading sub-program; (3) People Housing Processes
(Community Self-Help Housing) sub-program & (4) Strengthening the legislative, regulatory and
policy environment and Capacity building sub-program.
(a) What would be your role as an urban planner during the implementation of these
One of the strategies the NDP 5 advocates, is Public-Private Partnership (PPP)to aide in faster land
servicing. These types of projects are now almost commonplace in Windhoek.
(b) Persuadethe City of Windhoek to do away with PPP'sin the delivery of affordable housing. (5)
Question 10
Almost all urban centres in Namibia are plagued by sprawl; Township Establishments are
predominantly characterised by low density development, and such ultimately result in inefficient
and unsustainable urban systems. This could be attributed to the perception that the majority of
Namibians desire to acquire his or her own erf and that such erf must ideally be large. Such manner
of thought exacerbates the current challenge with respect to supply of serviced land to address the
housing backlog.
Densification however could significantly aide in addressing said housing backlog.
(a) Provide advice to the Association of Local Authorities wherein you clearly must articulate
why the pursuit of densification is justified?
In as much as you would argue in favour of densification, there will be opposition thereto, as some
Namibians are at times very reluctant to embrace change.
(b) Why do you think that is the case?
The City of Windhoek's (CoW) Development and Upgrading Policy prescribes that 60% of all
townships must comprise of high-density erven. This is indeed commendable.
(c) In what way could the CoW ensure incremental densification in the older established
townships though? Use the Cape Town Densification Strategy to inform your response. (6)
TOTAL= 100
First Opportunity Question Paper
Page 5 of 5
June 2024