Planning for Housing
Question 3
Buildings account for nearly 40% of energy-related CO2 emissions worldwide, making them a primary
target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (UNEP, 2022). The Namibian Building Regulations thus
need to be amended to ensure decarbonization of buildings takes place.
(a) What measures would you recommend for implementation to ensure decarbonisation of
By 2050, Africa will be home to 1.1 billion more people than it is today. That's nearly 75% of the
world's projected population growth of 1.5 billion more people. This means a huge demand for
buildings, with 80 percent of those that will exist in 2050 yet to be built. To ensure sustainability in
African cities the Africa Manifesto for Sustainable Cities and the Built Environment was formulated.
This manifesto is not well known in Namibia. Urban Planners and Environmentalists must ensure
capacity building exercises are rolled out throughout Namibia to educate those in the Built
Environment as well as the public on this manifesto.
(b} Deliver a set of the most important aspects that you would convey about the manifesto. (7)
Question 4
The Government of Namibia's Mass Housing Program will be implemented through seven sub-
programs. Amongst others the following relates closest to the practice of urban planning: (1) Land
use planning, (2) Informal settlements upgrading sub-program; (3) People Housing Processes
(Community Self-Help Housing) sub-program & (4) strengthening the legislative, regulatory and
policy environment and capacity building sub-program.
(a) Discuss the interrelationships between the sub-programs.
Single Quarters which were constructed to accommodate male labourers during the apartheid era.
These accommodation facilities shortly after Independence changed character completely as
families migrated to towns to join their husbands and fathers in these single quarters; This however
created health hazards as these quarters could not accommodate such large number of people.
Some of these buildings have become totally defunct and are not in use.
(b) Provide alternative uses for these defunct Single Quarters.
Namibia's Mass Housing Program will not automatically create sustainable human settlements.
(c} What advice would you provide to the Central Government that could inform guidelines for
sustainable human settlements?
Second Opportunity/ Supplementary Examination Question Paper
Page 3 of 6
July 2024