[40 MARKS]
1. Code the following diagnostic terms using ICD-10CM. Write the appropriate code next to the
number of the statement/phrase in the ANSWERBOOK.Eachquestion carries2 - marks
1.1 Procreative counseling and advice using natural family planning.
1.2 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
1.3 Atrophic age-related macular degeneration.
1.4 Presence of left artificial knee joint.
1.5 Neonatal jaundice from breast milk inhibitor.
1.6 Sleep-related bruxism.
1.7 Preglaucoma, unspecified, right eye.
1.8 Car passenger injured in collision with bus in a traffic accident.
1.9 Hungry bone syndrome.
1.10 Diabetes with diabetic amyotrophy.
1.11 Congenital non-neoplastic nevus.
1.12 Hypertensive heart disease with heart failure.
1.13 Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of the left female breast.
1.14 Newborn esophageal reflux.
1.15 Familial Mediterranean fever.
1.16 Rheumatoid nodule, right shoulder.
1.17 Hypotension due to drugs.
1.18 Dermatitis due to ingested food.
1.19 Dengue haemorrhagic fever.
1.20 Car driver injured in collision with van in the nontraffic accident.