5. In the estimated model logQ. = 2.25 - 0.7logP; + 0.02Y;, where p is the price and q is the
quantity demanded of a certain good and Y is disposable income, what is the meaning of
the coefficient on logY?
a) If disposable income increases by a thousand dollars, the demanded quantity will be
0.02% higher on average, ceteris paribus
b) If disposable income increases by a thousand dollars, the demanded quantity will be
0.0002% higher on average, ceteris paribus
c) If disposable income increases by a thousand dollars, the demanded quantity will be
2% higher on average, ceteris paribus
d) None of the answers above is correct
6. Which of the following are alternative names for the dependent variable (usually denoted
by y) in linear regression analysis?
a) The regressand
b) The regressor
c) The explanatory variable
d) None of the above
7. . Which of the following statements is TRUEconcerning OLSestimation?
a) OLSminimises the sum of the vertical distances from the points to the line
b) OLSminimises the sum of the squares of the vertical distances from the points to the
c) OLSminimises the sum of the horizontal distances from the points to the line
d) OLS minimises the sum of the squares of the horizontal distances from the points to
the line.
8. The residual from a standard regression model is defined as
a) The difference between the actual value, y, and the mean, y-bar
b) The difference between the fitted value, y-hat, and the mean, y-bar
c) The difference between the actual value, y, and the fitted value, y-hat
d) The square of the difference between the fitted value, y-hat, and the mean, y-bar