Question 1
{25 marks)
Novecy Pharmaceuticals Limited (hereafter 'Novecy') is a pharmaceutical company that
specialises in the production and supply of medication for terminally ill patients. Novecy listed
on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE)on 1 January 2008 and has maintained its
listing requirements to date. Novecy has a 31 December financial reporting date.
All medication produced and supplied by Novecy are classified as Schedule 5 medication (i.e.
medication with high quantities of controlled substances that cannot be obtained without a
script). They supply their medication exclusively to hospitals and do not sell to the general
public. Whilst all production activities take place in South Africa, the active ingredients are
sourced not only in South Africa, but also internationally.
Cannabis oil imports
The Johannesburg Oncology Hospital (JOH) is testing cannabidiol (CBD) as a possible
treatment to slow down the growth of certain cancer cells. CBD also effectively treats pain
associated with cancer. JOH wants to run a medical trial and treat 50 cancer patients with
CBDand asked Novecy to supply them with the CBD.Novecy and the JOH have already signed
the purchase agreement. As CBD is so scarce and Novecy have a monopoly at this stage to
obtain the CBD, Novecy charged quite a high profit margin to the cost of the CBD.The JOH is
happy to pay the quoted price as they are desperate to start the trial as soon as possible.
Although Cannabis oil is legally and freely available on the South African market, CBD is a
specialised strain of Cannabis that is not currently freely available on the South African
market. Novecy therefore decided to import the CBDfrom a manufacturer in Canada.
They have started discussions with a supplier in Canada who informed them that it will take
a few months for the CBDto be manufactured. The supplier will inform Novecy as soon as the
CBD is ready. At that point Novecy will transfer the purchase price via Bitcoin to the supplier
(see "Bitcoin purchases" below).
Bitcoin purchases
Arthur Newns, the financial director of Novecy, decided to purchase the CBD units with
Bitcoins. The reason for using Bitcoins for the purchase of the CBD, is because cryptocurrency
has reduced transaction costs, and the sophisticated security inherent to cryptocurrency
appeals to Arthur.
Even though the Bitcoin price has significantly decreased during the period November 2017
to December 2018, it seems as if the price has stabilised since. Arthur is an investment
specialist and believes that the Bitcoin price will be driven up by market factors during 2019.
Thus, on 1 December 2018, Novecy purchased 1 000 Bitcoins. These Bitcoins will be used
exclusively to purchase the CBD units.
Although it is not Novecy's intention to trade with their Bitcoins, they have established that
there is a principle active market for Bitcoins with freely available quoted prices. You may