c) Four patients presented with suspected signs of head and neck cancer at the Katutura state
hospital. A biopsy was removed by local excision and examined. Use the correct TNM classification
to describe the four results below;
I. No information available on primary tumor, nodes not assessed and distant metastasis not
II. Carcinoma in situ at primary site, no clinically positive nodes (not palpable) and no distant
Ill. Tumor 2-4 cm in diameter, single clinically positive ipsilateral (on same side) node less than 3
cm and no distant metastasis
IV. Tumor has invaded adjacent structures, Node or nodes greater than 6 cm and distant
metastasis is present
Question 3
a) As a visiting Medical scientist, you have been tasked with assisting the lab. to generate specific
primers for the detection clostridium spp. in the local public swimming pool. Briefly delineate FIVE
(5) parameters that you will consider in order to generate the ideal primers.
b) Describe the process of GPCR desensitization
Question 4
a) Inositol triphosphate (IP3} and diacylglycerol (DAG) are all small molecules that can be found
inside most cells, yet they are known to be important second messengers that can increase or
decrease in response to a wide variety of signals. However, each signal often produces
completely different responses. Explain how such responses occur based on the signalling
pathway below.
Biosynthetic Pathways and Molecular Biology {BPM821S) 2nd Opportunity January 2024