Cryptolocker Cryptolocker is a malware released in September 2013, Cryptolocker
spread through email attachments and encrypted the user's files so that they couldn't
access them. The hackers then sent a decryption key in return for a sum of money, usually
somewhere from a few hundred pounds up to a couple of grand (Norton.com, 2017).
Which information security property is breached when a user is not able to
access files that they are authorised to view and modify?
Explain why the legitimate users are not able view access their files.
If the hacker gives the users, the correct decryption key will the users be able to
access their files?
If your answer in 'le' is yes explain how the users will be able to access their
files. If your answer is no explain why the users will not be able to accesstheir files.
Given that the users are able to accessthe encrypted files. Why would the users
still not be able to understand what is contained in their files?
Suppose the users had already encrypted their files before the hackers
encrypted them. Would the users have been able to accesstheir files after they had
been encrypted by the hackers? Explain your answer.
Which security property/objective would the users have achieved against the
hackers given the description in (lf).
Cryptography can be used to obtain security objective of authentication. Which
other security property or objective can be achieved using cryptography? Mention 2
Suppose emails sent from Zenane will be authenticated using message
authentication codes (MAC}. Explain in detail how Adelina will ensure integrity of
the message sent from Zenane to him using MAC.
Explain how Adelina verifies that Zenane sent the email in "2b".