[25 MARKS]
The LPM High School has 900 pupils, 40 teachers, 10 support staff and a budget of
N$3 million per annum, 85% of which represents salary and salary-related costs. The
Local Authority for LPM's area is responsible for 34 schools, of which six are high
schools (educating pupils from the ages of 11 to 18). The Local Authority allocates
National government funding for education to schools based on the number of pupils.
Pupils are allocated to schools based on where they live.
LPM can take a limited number of extra pupils in a particular year if demand for places
is particularly heavy. It ensures that the government-approved curriculum is taught in
all schools in its area with the aim of achieving national targets. All schools, including
LPM, are subject to an independent financial audit as well as scrutiny of their
educational provision by the Local Authority, and reports of both are presented to the
school Governing Body. The number of pupils determines the approximate number of
teachers, based on class sizes of approximately 30 pupils. The salary costs for
teachers are determined nationally and pay scales mean that more experienced
teachers receive higher salaries. In addition, some teachers receive school-specific
responsibility allowances.
LPM is managed on a day-to-day basis by the Head Teacher. The governance of each
school is carried out by a Governing Body comprising the Head Teacher, elected
representatives of parents of pupils, and members appointed by the Local Authority.
The principles of good corporate governance apply to school Governing Bodies which
are accountable to parents and the Local Authority for the performance of the school.
The Governing Body holds the Head Teacher accountable for day-to-day school
management, but on certain matters such as building maintenance the Head Teacher
will seek expert advice from the Local Authority. The Governing Body meets quarterly
and has as its main responsibilities budgetary management, appointment of staff, and
educational standards. The main control mechanisms exercised by the Governing
Body include scrutiny of a year-to-date financial report, a quarterly non-financial
performance report, teacher recruitment and approval of all purchases over N$1,000.
The Head Teacher has expenditure authority below this level.
The financial report (which is updated monthly) is presented to each meeting of the
Governing Body. It shows the Local Authority's budget allocation to the school for the
year, the expenditure incurred for each month and the year to date, and any unspent
balances. Although there is no external financial reporting requirement for the school,
the Local Authority will not allow any school to overspend its budget allocation in any
financial year.
LPM's budget allocation is only just sufficient to provide adequate educational
facilities. Additional funds are always required for teaching resources, building
maintenance, and to upgrade computer equipment. The only flexibility the school has
in budget management is to limit responsibility allowances and delay teacher
recruitment. This increases pupil-contact time for individual teachers however, and
forces teachers to undertake preparation, marking and administration outside of
school hours. LPM High School has recently been contacted by the National