2.2.1. Study Figures 1 and 2 and discuss the suitability of using ratio estimates.
.. "-'-'•~--~---,-·
Figme 1: Scatter plot
• t: r1:QtU'! or:. • 'UAt:.!. 12 1
Y • !.Z• l.00 X
C ! .!?: C<i~!'
l- .. 3'- :;..co; 11~6-: 0~ 4
l. :.s-~
!ti : .ll:} .G-OJ
Figure 2: Regression output
2.2.2. Construct the approximate 95% confidence interval for µY
Question 3 [17 marks]
3.1. The New York Times of February 25, 1994, summarized the results of a survey
conducted by Klein Associates, Inc. on 2000 lawyers on sexual advances in the office.
Between 85 and 98% responded to the questions in the survey; 49% of the responding
women and 9% of the responding men agreed that some sorts of harassment exist in the
offices. Assume that the population of lawyers is large and there are equal numbers of
female and male lawyers, and ignore the nonresponse; that is, consider the respondents to
be a random sample of the 2000 lawyers.
3.1.1 Find the standard errors for the above percentages.
3.2. To estimate the percentage of people that carries a viral infection which produces AIDS,
128 people are examined and 72 of them are found to be infected. Calculate the standard
error of the estimated proportion and compute a 95% confidence interval for the
population proportion?
3.3. If no information of P (proportion) is provided when determining the sample size of a
population, find the error of the estimation e for n = 2000, Consider a= 0.05 for both
Question 4 [30 marks]
Let there e.xis1, a population U = p, 2, 3} wit,h the following design:
Give the first-order inclu i n probabiUti ·. Give the variance-covariance
trix A of indicator variables for inclusion in the sample. Give the variance
matrix of -che unbiased estirr1at.or for the total.
4.2. Between the 100 computer corporations in Namibia, the average of employee sizesfor
the largest 10 and smallest 10 corporations were known to be 300 and 100, respectively.