(3.1.5) Extra Earning Power
(3.1.6) Goodwill
(3.1.7) Value of the Business
3.2. List four non-monetary factors that may impact the final business purchase price.
Leroy's Predicament
Leroy operates a home-based recording studio. Although his facility is adjacent to the
house, it is private and looks _professional. His customers have private parking space and
enter the studio via a private entrance. Currently Leroy is doing everything himself. From
reception to marketing, quotes, and the actual work, lessons, recording, mastering and
editing, as well as the graphic design on CD covers and posters. He even does his own
printing and packaging as the small quantities do not justifying sub-contracting the
work. The students who take Leroy's song and music classes are school pupils and they
normally come during the afternoons. On the recording side, most of Leroy's customers
are aspiring artists hoping to be heard and needing to earn a living. This means that
they follow their dreams after hours and can only come for recording and backtracks
after 6pm in the evenings. So far, Leroy has been able to handle the work as his
mornings are relatively quiet. He has been able to attend to his administration, update
his website, do his marketing, and so on.
Now that business is picking up, the song and music students provide a relatively steady
monthly income, but Leroy's main income comes from the recording and making of CDs.
Besidesall the other small projects, Leroy currently hastwo full CDsthat he is busy with,
with set delivery dates. Leroy struggles because he is only one person and he finds
himself juggling everything that needs to be done. He does not want to take in a
partner, nor does he want to subcontract any work as this would impact on the price he
had quoted. Because he spent so much time one project, he cannot take on other
projects and he is losing clients and potential income becausethe clients cannot wait for
him. He is considering letting his students go to concentrate only on the production of
CDs. However, this might be risky as he is afraid that he will lose his monthly song and
music student income and many of the students are potential future recording clients.
"To turn around an ailing venture and put it back on the road of good performance and
growth is not a small task" (Nieman & Niewenhuizen, 2014).