1.1 According to John Maxwell, the measure of true leadership is influence. Having
examined this statement, critically analyse the factors that come into play in this true
1.2 For a good leadership and effective management of the organisation, the balance
between leadership components should be maintained. Having analysed this
statement, evaluate and describe how balance could be maintained through application
of these components of leadership.
1.3 As an expert in management and leadership components, discuss critically what you
would advise the top management of TransNamib Holdings Ltd on how to strengthen
their leading practices and behaviours in their daily work to achieve expected results.
Furthermore, explain how you would convince them on what positive outcomes the
improved practices and behaviours would have forTransNamib Holdings Ltd.
2.1 According to Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy (2015), leaders face dilemmas that require
choices between competing sets of values and priorities, and the best leaders recognise
and face them with a commitment to doing what is right, not just what is expedient.
Having examined this statement, analyse the concept of values and describe how the
leaders can use moral reasoning to make decisions about ethical and unethical