Section B (Scenarios and Practice)
[40 marks]
Question 7
The mobile industry in the world is divided between the three technologies GSM, CDMAand
iDen. It is necessary for us to understand the basic differentiation of the three technologies
as they may have an impact on the Forensic Investigative process.
i. Present the fundamental technical aspects of the three systems in your
presentation describe briefly how each affects the mobile forensics
investigative process.
ii. Describe the two main challenges of 5G technologies on the mobile forensics
investigative process.
Question 8
While searching inside the house of a person under investigation, law enforcement agents
found and seized, among other things, computers and a smartphone. After cataloguing and
documenting everything, they put all the materials into boxes to bring them back to the
laboratory. Once back in their laboratory, when acquiring the smart phone in order to proceed
with the forensics analysis, they noticed that the smartphone was empty and it appeared to
be brand new. The owner had wiped it remotely.
This therefore emphasises the importance of isolating the mobile device from all radio
networks as a fundamental step in the process of preservation of evidence:
a. There are several ways to achieve this (isolating mobile phones), all with their own
pros and cons. Outline five forensic methods of isolating mobile phone give at least
one pro and one con of ea!=h.,
b. List any other five anti-forensics techniques that are used in an attempt to affect the
mobile investigative process.
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