Question 1
a) Giving Namibian examples, outline the main types of sport event facilities. (10 marks)
b) Describe the new markets for sporting events and implications for facilities. | (15 marks)
Question 2
a) Describe ANY FIVE (5) individuals or entities who need to be involved in the planning process
for a sporting facility and their main role.
(10 marks)
b) Discuss considerations to finding the most ideal site location for setting up a sport and
recreational facility.
(15 marks)
Question 3
The facility design begins with a site plan that includes
understanding, briefly outline ANY FIVE (5) of the
importance in sport facility planning and development;
several separate drawings.
following, demonstrating
In your own
the role or
a) Master site plan
b) Grading plan
c) Irrigation plan
d) Landscape plan
e) Floor plan
f) Lighting design/ plan
(5 marks)
(S marks)
(5 marks)
(5 marks)
(5 marks)
(5 marks)
Question 4
a) ‘While the infrastructure of a sport and recreation facility is certainly important, without
people working in and using the facility, the infrastructure is useless.’ Discuss the following
type of people found in a sport facility, highlight their role or importance.
i) Professional staff
(5 marks)
ii) Volunteers
(5 marks)
iii) Customer or clients
(5 marks)
b) ‘Security and safety should not be analysed only in terms of spectators or facility users, but it
should be an all-encompassing task.’ Discuss major security concerns in sporting facility
(10 marks)
Question 5
Discuss the current trends and issues that needs to be considered or addressed in the sporting
and recreational facilities management.
(25 marks)