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Question 1
a) A banner is a piece of information displayed by a host that provides details about the
service or system. List any two items that should appear on a warning banner. (4 marks)
b) A cyber forensic laboratory overall function is to identify, seize, acquire and analyze all
electronic devices related to all cyber-enabled offences reported so as to collect digital
evidence which is presented in a court of law for prosecution purposes.
Provide any 5 the mainstream key components of a cyber forensic lab.
(5 marks)
Question 2
As part of the business planning for your forensic lab, you should determine which tools
offer the most flexibility, reliability, and future expandability. List and briefly discuss what
functions and subfunctions you think are necessary to determine which tools you should
acquire for an investigation?
{18 marks)
Question 3
a) After deleting a file from a FATfile system, what happens to the content of the file?
(5 marks)
b) Pending an ongoing deformation of character investigation of Mr Cloete, a private
forensic investigator has discovered that other than laptop and cell phones, NUSTalso
provides an additional standard USBhard drive to each of their senior employees. The
standard issued USB hard drive is not encrypted and the owners are responsible to
protect the issued hard drive. NUSThas not done an auditing on any of the issued hard
drives, nor has it been keeping track of the issued hard drives on their corporate IT asset
list. Nevertheless, based on NUSTInformation Security Policies, all senior employees are
required to submit their hard drives to the IT department for back up at monthly basis.
Describe what is the next course of action shall be taken by the investigator, and why.
(15 marks)
Question 4
a) What volatile information which you will be collecting before switching off computer
system? Also explain its role in digital forensic investigations.
(5 marks)
b) Write short notes on evidence validation
(3 marks)
c) Discussthe techniques of tracing an email message
(5 marks)
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