[10 MARKS]
Read the following questions carefully and circle the correct answer (Each question carries 1
1.1 Researchers in the university laboratory analyze the food to ensure:
A. Food industries to provide safe food
B. Fairness in food prices
C. Food quality maintenance
D. Development or improvement of existing products
1.2 There are several voluntary and mandatory food standards which have been specified
by the government, concerning:
A. Food prices and labelling
B. Prices and fair market competition
C. Food labeling and composition
D. None of the above
1.3 Sampling can be defined as:
A. A process of collecting a laboratory sample
B. A way in which a sample is prepared
C. A process of taking a sample from the population
D. A portion for analysis
1.4 The ability to reproduce similar results by scientists using the same experimental
approach but in different laboratories using different equipment is called:
A. Acceptability
B. Precision
C. Reproducibility
D. Accuracy
1.5 During handling of samples to be analyzed for moisture content, make sure that:
A. The sample is left in open area with enough air circulation
B. The headspace in the sample containers is big enough
C. Let some moisture evaporate from the sample