[10 IVIARl<S]
Read the following questions carefully and circle the correct answer {Each question carries 1 mark.)
1.1 Food composition and analysis provides information about a wide variety of different
characteristics of foods, including:
A. Characteristics of food
B. Food composition
C. None of the above
D. All the above
1.2 Standards of food quality includes:
A. How full the container should be
B. Minimum requirements for mass and defects from defects
C. The type and amounts of ingredients that certain foods
D. All the above
1.3 Nutritional labeling is important for almost food types so that:
A. To avoid deceiving consumers
B. To ensure fair marketing competition
C. To help consumers maintain their diet properly
D. To ensure consistency in the food quality
1.4 During data analysis, sometimes the measures values can be compared to the
true/known value. However, ______
is calculated when the true/known value is
not known:
A. Coefficient of variance
B. Accuracy
C. Precision
D. The mean
1.5 The water that retains its physical properties and acts as a dispersing agent for colloids
and the solvent for salts is known as:
A. Evaporated water
B. Adsorbed water
C. Water of hydration