1. Read the following statements about assessment in education. Indicate true if you agree with the
statement and false if you don't agree.
1.1 The word Assessment "comes from a Greek verb "assidere".
1.2 Assessment basically focuses on examinations to determine whether a student has passed of failed a
1.3 Students are mainly passive during assessment process.
1.4 The origin of a syllabus is a Latin term.
1.5 Assessment is effective if it's done at the end of a semester.
1.6 Information gathered through diagnostic assessment will highlight the gap
between the existing knowledge of students and the desired outcome.
2. Choose the option(s) that best answers the statement.
2.1 A research project can be used to assess
a) Application of knowledge.
b) Understanding.
c) Creativity.
d) All of the above.
2.2 The Namibia Training Authority (NTA) highlights:
a) Unclear assessment principles govern.
b) Underpin the inequality.
c) Importance of assessment principles.
d) Progress of students' performances.
2.3 Summative assessment
a) Takes part before students have completed a unit of work.
b) It is normally during measuring of learning.
c) Linked to a formal recognition of a learning.
d) Assessstudent against feedback.
2.4 An assessment task is valid if it:
a) Assessperformance in a real-life environment.
b) Provide an inaccurate view of outcomes for the gained knowledge of the course.
c) Covers some of the related learning outcomes and content.
d) Exclude activities about knowledge skills and attitude.
2.5 Evidence of assessment can be collected through:
a) Individual performances.
b) Team performances.
c) Knowledge.
d) All of the above.
(5 X 1= 5)
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