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JUNE 2022
EXAMINER(S} Ms N. Haimbodi
Dr J. lndongo
Dr E. lthindi
Ms G. Mathews
Dr T. Mushaandja
Dr R. Nekongo
Ms C. Sibalatani
Mr. C Gwasira
l. Answer ALL the questions.
2. Write clearly and neatly.
3. Number the answers clearly.

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Read the following passage and answer all questions that follow.
The Science behind Self Confidence
Confidence is not a fixed attribute; it's the outcome of the thoughts we think and the actions
we take. No more; no less. It is not based on your actual ability to succeed at a task but your belief in
your ability to succeed. For instance, your belief in your ability to speak in front of an audience; your
belief in your ability to learn a new technology; your belief in your ability to lead a team; your belief
in your ability to handle confrontation or manage conflict; and your belief in your ability to change job
or career, exit a relationship, or start a business.
Of course, confidence can wax and wane throughout our lives. It is boosted when we
experience a win or receive praise. It takes a hit when our efforts fall short of the mark, we are
criticized, rejected or simply feel a lack of external recognition. We are only human after all. It is
therefore vital not to become overly reliant on external affirmation to prop up our self-worth, but to
take ownership for taking the worthwhile actions needed to sustain it. Which begs the question of
how one can build the confidence needed to overcome challenges and achieve goals, particularly
when faced with challenging life experiences. The single most powerful way to build confidence is to
act with the confidence you aspire to have.
Alex Malley, bestselling author of The Naked CEOshared with me, 11The only way to build self-
confidence is to take a risk and take action despite your fear of failure, messing up or embarrassment.
If things work out, then you now know you can do more than you think. If things don't work out, you
now know that you can handle more than you think. Either way, you're better off." As CEO of CPA
Australia, a leading global accounting body over 150,000 members globally, Malley has seen far too
many people stay in the same role for too long because they have bought into the confidence-
shrinking (and career-limiting!) belief that they can't do anything else. Someone achieves a modicum
of career success only to become unwilling to do anything that might put it at risk. So they start
spending more time in their comfort zone where there is minimal risk of failure and little threatens
their confidence. At least in the short term! But when we stop reaching we stop learning and when
we stop learning, we stop growing our knowledge and skills, value, resilience, influence, self-efficience
and confidene in our ability to make things happen.
Rather than playing to win and forging new ground, people become driven by a fear of losing
the ground they already have. Their unwillingness to lay their reputation and security on the line in
the short term results in missing out bigger opportunities down the road; opportunities that go to
those who've never stopped stretching, growing, learning and strengthening their confidence along
the way. "Think of something you have always wanted to do but have avoided because you fear it
could be embarrassing," advises Malley. 11Now clear your mind and give it a go." It's not only vital to
your future success, but failing to take a risk and "have a go" can ultimately put the confidence you
have now at risk. That is... If you don't use it, you lose it!
Think of someone you greatly admire who radiates a quiet sense of confidence, and think
about what they would do or say if they were facing your current challenges and opportunities.
Channel their self-confidence, certitude and bravery. What you put your attention on amplifies in
your reality. Focus on things that make you anxious, and you'll become more anxious. Focus on things

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that inspire you, and you'll feel more powerful. So instead of terrifying yourself by focusing on what
you don't want to happen, focus on what you'd love to make happen and never discount the cost of
inaction. As world champion surfer Layne Beachley says: "Focus on what inspires you, not on what
scares you."
Visualization is a highly effective tool for building confidence. It can activate the same neural
circuitry in the brain as doing something in reality. So to help you ACT AS IF, try imagining yourself
doing (or saying) whatever it is you want to do with a quiet but unshakeable belief in your ability to
do it well. If it's a conversation you need to have, practice having it a few times before hand. It will
make a difference. Like all emotions, confidence breeds confidence. So whether you're in the C-suite
or a sales rep, make the conscious and courageous decision not to give self-doubt the power to keep
you from pursuing a bold ambition, have a tough conversation, or lay your pride on the line for a cause
bigger than your ego. As Katty Kay and Claire Shipman wrote in The Confidence Code, "Confidence is
hard to define but easy to recognize. With it, you can take on the world; without it, you live stuck at
the starting block of your potential."
Adapted from: rrell
1. Accordinng to the author what is not confidence?
2. How does the author define confidence.
3. Mention one way in which confidence if uplifted.
4. In what manner does rejection and criticism have an effect on an individual?
5. Some people may believe that there is nothing else they can do in certain situations, how does
this belief affect them?
6. Explain two ways how taking risks is a good thing whether the outcome is positive or negative.
7. According to the passage, the term "confidence-shrinking" (par.) means:
A. to remain stagnant in life
B. the inability to grow/ progress in life
C. to maintaing the level of confidance
D. Both A and B
E. Both B and C
8. According to the passage, the term " ...forging new grounds" (par. 4) means:
A. to cultivate in different area
B. to veture on something fresh
C. to do something all over
D. Both A and B
E. Bothe B and C

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9. State the two main supporting ideas expressed in paragraph 4.
10. According to the "confidence -code" what is the disadvantage of lack of confidence?
11. The passage expresses the science behind self-confidence, give 4 main ideas reflected in the
passage refering to these sciences.
12. Match the the underlined words in paragraph 3 to their definition hereunder:
12.1 The possibility of something not good happening
12.2 Small amount of something
12.3 The sence of belief or trust in one's ability
12.4 To be able to bounce back from a difficulty
13. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE
13.1 Confidence is nan attribute people are born with and all it takes is to activate it within.
13.2 Risk taking could be difficult, most confident people are risk takers.
13.3 In life, it is important to direct attention towards things that inspires you, not the opposite.
Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow:
1. Loneliness is a belief and feeling that you have no-one to confide in, no-one who will listen, and
no-one to hang out with. People who are lonely often tell themselves "There is something wrong
with me," or "I'm the only one who feels like this." This type of negative thinking only reinforces
lonely behaviour such as staying in your room, not saying "Hello," and not trying new things. The
ultimate result is continued thoughts, feelings, and behaviours of loneliness. You can kick this
loneliness habit and here is how: Resist the urge to isolate and stop jumping to critical conclusions!
2. Expand your social network. tarting new friendships involves you taking a risk and reaching out.
Start with people you naturally have things in common with like you live on the same floor or go
to the gym at the same time as you. Practice your social skills by making a daily effort to always
sit beside someone in lectures and say hello to them. Get involved in sport, music, art, religion or
clubs on campus, these are great places to meet people. The sport or activity provides a natural
icebreaker to overcome any initial awkwardness.
3. Not everyone you meet will become your instant "bestie,"if someone isn't interested in making
friends with you, don't take it personally, it's not necessarily a judgment about you. See your early

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attempts to talk to people as just a "practice session." This will make their response less of an
issue. You'll be less anxious and more your natural self. In addition, if you take the risk you may
be rewarded by friendship.
4. Challenge your critical thoughts and perceptions. It is easy to assume everyone else has friends,
especially when you see groups of people around school and at social gatherings. Yet, we often
see only what we are looking for. If you look hard enough, you will also see lots of people by
themselves just like you. Challenge feeling discouraged, turning a chance encounter into a
friendship takes time, and can not be rushed. Be patient. Take courage in the friends you had
before because what you have done it before, you can do it again!
Adapted from:
1. Look at the underlined words in paragraph 1 and state what kind of pronouns they are.
A. Who
B. Themselves
C. Something
D. Your
E. This
2. Study the sentence below (paragrapg2) and identify the part of speech of each underlined
word as per its function.
Practice your (a) social skills by (b) making a daily effort to always sit (c) beside someone in
lectures (d) and say hello to (e) them.
3. State what tense the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 is.
This will make their response less of an issue.
4. Write the the sentence identified in question 3 in the following tenses:
4.1 Past perfect tense
4.2 Present continuous tense
4.3 Past perfect continuous tense
4.4 Present perfect tense
5. You were taught 4 different types of sentence stucture, state the following sentence
structures undelined in paragraph 4.
A. Challenge your critical thoughts and perceptions.
B. If you look hard enough, you will also see lots of people by themselves just like you. (2)
C. Take courage in the friends you had before because what you have done it before, you
can do it again!
6. Read the sentence below and write it in the following forms:
The sport or activity provides a natural icebreaker to overcome any initial awkwardness.
6.1 Negative form
6.2 Question form

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Analyse the essay below and then answer all the questions that follow.
Dangerous driving
Most people have no idea that they are risking their lives each and every day by doing the
simplest of tasks, and one of them includes riding and or driving a car. .!!Nowadays more drivers have
begun to develop excessively dangerous driving habits. Traveling by car is actually a lot more
jeopardous than flying on a plane or taking a train or boat or anything else. Q Not many people know,
but you are more probable to die in a car wreck than in any other type of transportation mishap due
to many different levels of reckless driving, such as multitasking while driving, inappropriate speed
and ignoring traffic signs and signals.
There are numerous multitasking habits among drivers of all age groups that contribute to car
accidents that happen daily on the roads. One of these bad and dangerous driving habits is eating
while driving. It may be tempting to try to multitask and have a snack, or a full meal, while driving, but
this is not recommended. Trying to eat while keeping control of your car is a difficult, if not impossible
task. Furthermore, many people use cell phones while driving to keep in touch with family, friends
and work associates. The problem is that it's very difficult to keep your eyes on the road while talking
on a cell phone. If you feel that you need to be accessible while driving, set your phone to hands-free
and use the speaker feature. Car speakers add value to music sound quality while driving. Also, some
women, when pressed for time, continue with their morning rituals while on their way to work. More
than one person has been observed trying to apply cosmetics when her attention should have been
on the road. When you are behind the wheel of your vehicle. Your full attention should be on what is
happening around you on the road. Although many of us survive these situations, some do not.
In addition, driving a car at the wrong speed is another level of dangerous driving that
motorists do not take into consideration. Driving at an excessive rate of speed is quite common. This
practice is especially dangerous when driving through a residential neighbourhood or a school zone.
Posted speed limits are not meant to be suggestions; ignore them and you run the risk of being
stopped and ticketed by police. Similarly, slow drivers become distracted and do not realize where
they are driving and drive at the same speed on the highway as they do in a residential area. A better
strategy is to look at the posted speed limits and adjust your speed accordingly to avoid traffic
congestion on highways. Driving while under the influence also contributes to car accidents. You do
not have to travel far to see people driving at wrong speeds.
Finally, ignoring traffic signs and signals results in dangerous drivers of all ages killing people
and destroying properties everyday. For example, when a driver does not use the turn signals that
their vehicle is equipped with properly, it does not give notice to other people on the road of their
intention to change lanes or make a turn. Failing to do so may cause an accident, and may also be at
the root of situations where a motorist has experienced the consequences of road rage. In addition,
signs and signals help to keep order in traffic, and they are also designed to reduce the number and
severity of traffic accidents. When someone neglects to obey them, they are putting themselves at
risk, as well as other drivers, their passengers and pedestrians. The consequences can be tragic, and
the negligent driver may be held accountable. Men are faster drivers when compared to women.
Recklessdriving habits, driving at inappropriate speed and violation of traffic rules can be seen
on highways, on residential streets, and in parking lots. Even if you catch yourself being guilty of one

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of these dangerous driving habits, you can make changes to your driving routine to improve them.
Make a point of focusing only on the road when you are driving, if you need to eat, apply cosmetics,
or make a phone call, pull over first. Being aware of what you are doing when you are behind the
wheel is the first step to preventing carnage on the roads.
Adapted from:
1. Which of the sentences numbered A to D in Paragraph 1 is the thesis statement of this essay? (2)
2. Fill in the following statement by choosing the correct answer from the options given below.
The strategy that is used to introduce the topic under discussion in this essay is.......................
using an anecdote
moving from general to specific
using a famous quote
none of the strategies above.
3. List down two main ideas presented in the body paragraphs of the essay above. Do not copy full
sentences; use meaningful key words only.
4. Identify and write down two irrelevant sentences in the body paragraphs of the essay above. (2)
5. Identify two transitional words or phrases that are used to link ideas between paragraphs. (2)
6. Identify two transitional words that are used to connect ideas within Paragraph two.
7. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
7.1 The first sentence that is underlined in Paragraph 3 is
a topic sentence.
the first supporting sentence.
development of the first supporting sentence.
D. the second supporting sentence.
7.2 The second sentence that is underlined in Paragraph 3 is
a topic sentence.
the first supporting sentence.
the second supporting sentence.
development of the second supporting sentence.
8. Analyse Paragraph 4 carefully and illustrate how it is structured by listing its three key
9. List down two main ideas presented in Paragraph 2. Do not copy full sentences; use meaningful
key words only.

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10. What is the function of the sentence "The consequences can be tragic, and the negligent driver
may be held accountable" in Paragraph 47
11. Decide whether the sentence written in bold in Paragraph 5 is a fragment, run-on or comma
12. Rewrite and grammatically correct the sentence identified in question 11.
13. Identify a sentence error in Paragraph 2 and specify what type of an error it is.
14. The sentence below was taken from Paragraph 3. Rewrite it to indicate the topic and the
controlling idea, e.g.
Sentence: Driving a car at the wrong speed is another level of dangerous driving that motorists do
not take into consideration.
Topic: ............................................................
Controlling idea: ...........................................................
15. Identify a sentence in Paragraph 5 that best summarises the ideas presented in the essay above.
16. Among the three types of essaysthat were taught in this course, what type is the essay above?
Choose any one of the prompts hereunder and write a body paragraph of about 100-150 words. Pay
attention to structure, coherence, punctuation, and language. Begin the paragraph with a clear and
suitable topic sentence.
1. Most learners want to end up in the University after matrix. Describe your life as a university
2. I wish I knew what I know now. Give a detailed description.
3. Online education is a new mode of learning for most students. Explain how it feels like to
study via on line mode.
4. Most first-year students missed classesduring the first weeks of the semester. Discusshow
you missed most classes during the first week of the semester.
5. Mobile phones have become a very popular means of communication. Describe how mobile
phones have impacted lives