Question 1
1.1. Discuss the difference between Performance management and Performance Appraisal (2)
1.2. Explain the following four concepts below?
Performance Objectives
Performance management policy
Performance management process
Performance contract
Read the scenario below and answer the questions.
Tulipamwe engineering a Namibian company has been facing conflict between its management
and employees on the way performance management is implemented. The company does not
have a performance management system in place, however, every employee in the organisation
is expected to perform. The performance requirement cascades from executives, managers
down to staff at every level to support the company to reach its strategic goals. In addition, all
employees are expected to adhere to the performance culture within the existing systems as
they are eligible to get bonuses when they exceed the expected performance standards.
Tulipamwe Engineering over the years has faced challenges which also lead to legal action taken
by the employee against the company. In the process the company lost a lot of money towards
the lawsuits as most of the cases the company is found to be at the wrong side of the law.
Moreover, the misunderstanding of how performance management is implemented by the
supervisors and managers makes it difficult to overcome the challenges. The works and roles of
a supervisor, managers and staff is not clearly defined. Furthermore, there are no process of
procedures that guide the two parties on how to implement performance management.
Tulipamwe executives have agreed to come up with a solution to resolve the performance
management huddles by resolving to hire a consultant to work with the Human resources
department and other line manager's division to developing a performance management
system. Assume you are hired as the consultant to work with Tulipamwe company on the
performance management system development project. Answer the following questions in
attempting to assist the company to come up with a robust performance management system.