The decrease in profits is of great concern to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) as the decrease
in profits will result in a decrease in management's perfo1mance bonuses. When interviewing
the CFO regarding the calculation of management's performance bonuses, the CFO was very
evasive in answering ce1iain questions.
In June 2023, Books-4U was notified that it is being sued for late deliveries of textbooks to
some of the public schools in the Kunene Region. The chief executive officer (CEO) of Books-
4U has apologised to the public but still fears that the litigation may have a huge impact on
Books-4U's future business relations.
Inventories (books) are measured at the lower of cost or net realisable value and the cost price
is determined in terms of the first-in-first-out (FIFO) cost formula. The measuring of the
inventory balance has not always proved to be reliable, mainly due to the limitations of the
accounting system.
Due to the unreliable measurement of the inventory balance, Books-4U decided to change its
accounting system during the financial year from a partially automated system to a fully
automated system which is also compatible with your audit firm's software.
The following audit working paper was prepared by members of your audit team on the audit
ofBooks-4U for the 31 March 2024 year-end:
All payments to suppliers are made by electronic funds transfer (EFT). The system
description for the scheduling of EFTs for Books-4U are described as follows:
EFTs are scheduled in the accounting depaiiment. Two junior accountants in the accounting
department are responsible for preparing the numerically sequenced electronic EFT requests
and the two senior accountants are responsible for approving the EFTs electronically using
their unique usernames and Passwords.
Processing of EFTs is limited to terminals of the accountants in the accounting department
and to ensure timely processing, EFTs are processed between 1o·:OOand 11:00 every
weekday, excluding public holidays. In order to control access when processing and
approving EFTs, the accountants' terminals switch off after three unsuccessful access