QUESTION 1 - Short Questions [10)
Choose the correct letter: a, b, c or d from the questions below:
1.1 Which of the following strategies is not appropriate to practice reflection during reflective
teaching in teacher education.
a. Reflective journal/diary.
b. Collaborative learning.
c. Increase the content knowledge.
d. Teacher Educator's Feedback.
1.2 Reflective teaching is a _____
a. Cyclic process ofthinking about learning.
b. Linear process of thinking about teaching.
c. Cyclic process of thinking about teaching.
d. Cyclic process of thinking about the teaching environment.
1.3 Tangi is a trainer who keeps a teaching journal or diary regularly. Mbeuu is another trainer who
creates and utilises self-assessment forms regularly. What is common amongst them?
a. Both have high regard for their profession.
b. Both give priority in assessment aspect of education.
c. Both use reflective strategies in teaching.
d. Both use reflective continuous and comprehensive evaluation.
1.4 Who developed the theory of reflection in action/reflection on action?
a. Dewey
b. Gibbs
c. Schon
d. Kolb
1.5 Which of the following statements defines reflective thinking better?
a. Learning by experience with concrete materials, through experiencing.
b. Learning and reasoning with scenarios you experience in the past.
c. Thinking of particular environment, you did not like as a trainer.
d. Being able to reason with ideas which needs concrete evidence.