a. Explain the following concepts:
a) Mitigation
b) EIA statement
c) Phytoremediation
d) Rhizofiltration
e) Industrial ecology
b. List the four activities identified as priorities for the improvement of Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) systems.
c. Briefly discuss the categories used to classify projects into different types of impact
categories during EIA screening.
d. Explain the concept of "the good, the bad, and the ugly" with respect to ozone. (3)
2.1 Discuss (with reactions) the use of wetlands as technique of choice for acid drainage (AD)
2.2 Describe the process of wastewater treatment in an aerobic activated sludge technology
(with generic reactions).
2.3 What are the criteria that must be fulfilled by a sampling system for air quality analysis?(6)
3.1 It has been reported that temperature stabilization at or below 2°C above pre-
industrial temperatures should be the goal of climate change policy. Discuss what
could be the consequences of trespassing this threshold value.
3.2 Name and discuss the categories of salt affected soils. How does high salinity affect
plant growth and finally, discuss how the salt affected soils is reclaimed.
Environmental Pollution, Monitoring & Remediation (EPM821S)
2°• Opportunity January 2024