Question 1
January 2024
'CapricornTours~__________ _
331 Sam Nujoma Road
Klein Windhoeli
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We are thrilled to welcome you to :capricom Tours. 9!1-~~l"!._aloff ~11_tl_ter!~lf!l,I_\\ya11t_o___ . - · Commented [BL2J: Delete the underline and bold the
express our excitement about having you join us.
Here are a few details to help you prepare for your first day:
I.Start Date
Your first day of work will be on :01 January 2024 landwe kindly request that you arrive at
the Head Office at ps:ooP:\\.e_as_e_r~a~_uct~to :MrGre~nJ~.u-r~CRoffi~e~~tp61-232325 if: -
you have any questions or need any assistance before your start date.
We have a comprehensive orientation program planned for you, which will include an
introduction to our company culture, policies, and procedures. This will help you get
acclimated to your new role and surroundings.
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3.Team Introduction
You will have the opportunity to meet your colleagues and team members on your first day.
We encourage open communication and collaboration, so please don't hesitate to reach out to
anyone if you have questions or need assistance.I_____________________________
. _ · ·[Commented [BL7J: Insert Bullets, D/S
4.Employee Handbook
Along with this letter, we have enclosed our employee handbook. This handbook
eomprisescontains important information about our company policies and benefits. Please
take some time to review it before your start date.
If you need information about parking or public transportation options, please contact Mr
Green, your HR officer for~
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vision, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact you will have on our team.
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Once again, welcome to 'Capricorn Tours. ~-e_a~ed__eligh_te_d!_1t1g!v._Ye~19:!11~_q_a~d_ Jq_oj_c_ _
forward to working together to achieve our shared success.
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rfyou have any questions or need further information before your start date, please feel free
to reach out to our HR officer.
;vours sincerely, Marilyn Goagoses. Manage~
Commented [BL10): Displaycorrectly
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