Case study
IKEA A SWEDISHCOMPANY HAS A STRONGpeople management system grounded on the
organisation corporate culture and based on shared values. Culture management and human
resources management (HRM) appear to be based on shared value. IKEA has an excellent
training and development infrastructure but perhaps even more important is the fact that
IKEA workers are used for to continuous and regular training and development. In many
Western countries IKEA employs part-time workers for evening shifts and for weekends.
These part-time workers are often students from universities. The part time work is mostly
on the shop floor, related to customer service, logistics and work behind the counter. IKEA
have reached a conclusion that these part-time students represent a strategic talent pool for
future managers and specialist at higher levels of the organisation. There are advantages of
recruiting former-part time workers after graduation e.g awareness of IKEA culture, specific
knowledge and skills about IKEA business model recruiting part- time may be cheaper for
IKEA. "Is IKEA fishing in the right pond? And if so is IKEA using the tight tools for fishing"?
IKEAis confronted with two challenges. First most part time workers who are still studying at
universities are not aware of the career possibilities within IKEA after graduation. Second
those who get a job at IKEA after graduation appears to be disappointed about the actual
work at IKEAafter graduation.
Question 1
Discussand advise IKEA management why it faces the two challenges outlined in the extract
above and evaluate the possible solution in terms of selecting the right Fit for people for IKEA?
Question 2
In the above extract, it is emphasised that IKEA has excellent training and development
programme. Discuss the importance of training in terms of the attainment of the strategic
goals of the business (25)
Question 3
Change is inevitable in any organisation that focus on strategic plan formulation and
implementation. Discuss six strategies that organisation may utilise to cope with change in
a business environment (25)
Question 4
The crafting of the strategy indicates the management's commitment to grow the business,
attract and please its customers, compete successfully, conduct efficient operations, and
improve productivity and market performance. Discuss the concept of strategy its role and
approaches (25)
Total: 100