Question 1
1.1 Consider a one-dimensional bound particle. Show that if the particle is in a
stationary state at a given time, then it will always remain in a stationary state.
1.2 Consider a one-dimensional bound particle, Show
ddx fc_ o 1/J(*x, t)-i/J(x, t)dt = 0, lJJneed not be a statio. nary state.
Question 2
A one-dimensional harmonic oscillator wave function is Axe-bx 2
2.1.1 Find b
2.1.2 The total energy E
The wavefunction of a particle confined to the x axis is Lj.=, e-x for x > 0 and Lj.=, e +x
for x < 0. Normalize this wavefunction and calculate the probability offinding the
particle between x = -1 and x = 1.
Question 3
3.1 An electron is trapped in a 1-D infinite well of width 5nm. Evaluate the
wavelength of radiation emitted when the electron makes a transition from
third to first excited states.
3.2 Compare the energies and wavefunctions of 1-D infinite well and harmonic
3.3. Explain quantum tunnelling and list three applications of it.
3.4 What does it mean to say that certain operators commute? Give examples of operators (4)
that commute and of operators that do not commute.
3.5 Why the de-Broglie wave associated with a moving car is not observable?
Question 4
4.1 A potential barrier is defined by:
1.2 eV - oo< x < -2
V(x) = 0 - 2 < x < 2
{ 1.2 eV 2 < x < oo
A particle of mass m and kinetic energy 1.0 eV is incident on this barrier from -co.
Evaluate the acceptable wave function of the particle.
Calculate the expectation value (r)21for the hydrogen atom and compare it with
the valuer at which the radial probability density reaches its maximum for the
j state n = 2, / = l. Given R21 (r) = re -r hao / 24a5
Show explicitly that S2 = n2s(s+l) I