Land Use Planning 2
Question 1
a) Carefully read the statements and write the correct answer in your answer sheet with a True or False
next to the corresponding letter, for instance if the answer for Question 1. (a) (i) is True than just write
(a) (i) - True in your answer sheet.
i. Participatory land use planning is an iterative process based on the dialogue amongst all
stakeholders aiming at the negotiation and decision for a sustainable form of land use in rural
areas as well as initiating and monitoring its implementation.
ii. Plans and maps are produced with the purpose of guiding development in a direction that will be
better than what would have been the case if no such plan existed.
iii. Statutory Plans are legal document, enforced by law and not binding to state, individuals and
iv. Section 26 of the Urban and Regional Planning also provide for the preparation of the urban structur
plans with the purpose of providing for a uniform, effective and integrated regulatory framework fo1
spatial planning at regional level.
V. Devolution is when the central government by ways of rules or through bye-laws, giving full
responsibility and public accountability for functions to the sub-national level.
vi. Decision making at the "Micro Stage of planning" delas with formulation of national broad
goals and development objectives careful analysis of present situation.
vii. Decision making at the "Sector stage of planning" deals with the general plan of actions as
perceived at national level would be moulded to the region through its inputs in the preceding
b) What is development control?
c) Discussthe purpose of the Policy Plan?
Second Opportunity Examination Question Paper
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July 2022