b) According to NISTSP800-39, risk management is classified at 3 levels, what are the three
levels of security risk in the Information Technology (IT) function ? [3 marks]
c) The audit program provides for the collection of what audit evidence? [3 Marks]
d) Define IS Auditing, and in chronological order, name and briefly explain the four main
stages in an IT audit process. [10 Marks]
d) List and explain two internal control types. [2 Marks]
3. Standards and Guidelines for IS auditing [13]
a) The framework for the IT auditing standards provides multiple levels of guidance, that is,
standards, guidelines and procedures. Briefly define the three levels. [3]
b) Name two Standards or Guidelines for IT Auditing. [2 Marks]
c) When conducting IT risks analysis, what are the possible sources of threats? [3 Marks]
d) Information Systems Auditors are required to sign an ethics code of conduct. Briefly define
code of ethics and state why it is important to you as an ISAuditor. [3 Marks]
e) What is the objective of the IS Auditing Guidelines? [2 Marks]
4. Information systems/information technology governance [9 Marks]
a. Briefly define project lifecycle and list two project lifecycle models. [3 Marks]
b. Coco is an Audit body Intended to translate COSOcontrols into practical, implementable
activities. State four ways in which Coco promotes the treatment of IS risks. [4 Marks]
c. The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council developed a set of standards to
encourage cardholder data security and facilitate the adoption of consistent data security
measures on a global basis. State two directives defined by the standard. [2 Marks]