20 marks (48 min)
Coastal Wholesales Limited is a manufacturer and wholesaler of goods in Walvis Bay. The
company is a registered VAT vendor and has a 30 November year end. A new bookkeeper joined
the company on 1 September 2023. An extract from the VAT ledger account for the two-month
VAT period ending on 30 November 2023 follows:
Oct 7 Entertainment (note 3)
15 NAMRA oavment
31 Motor vehicle (note 4)
Nov 30 Purchases (note 5)
30 Rental (note 6)
30 Sundry expenses (note 7)
30 Computer (note 8)
VAT account
N$ 2023
706 Oct 1 Balance b/d
18 349
14 689 Nov 30 Sales (note 1)
49 761
24 737
30 Bad debt recovered (note 2) 1 726
14 625
1 911
1 575
All amounts include VAT, unless stated otherwise.
1. This represents the tax fraction in respect of the following:
Local sales
Export Sales
264 500
117 000
381 500
No VAT had been charged to export customers but the bookkeeper believes the company
should account for VAT otherwise the input tax deductions cannot be claimed.
2. This represents the tax fraction in respect of a bad debt recovered. The bad debt was
written off on 1 October 2020.
3. Entertainment expenses include the following:
Hotel costs of sales manager while away on business (incl VAT)
Teas, coffee and other staff refreshments (incl VAT)
Restaurant bill of managing director on business lunch (incl VAT)
3 886
4. A new VW T-cross was acquired on 31 October 2023 for the exclusive free use of the
financial manager. The cash cost of the motor car was N$437 000 (including VAT). The
free use of the car was made available from 1 November 2023. The previous vehicle,
which the financial manager had been using since 1 March 2020, a VW pick-up, was stolen
on 1 October 2022. The company's insurance company paid out N$33 000 in full and final
settlement of the insurance claim on 15 November 2023.
The VW pick-up (not double cab) had been originally acquired by Coastal Wholesales
Limited on 1 December 2022 at a cost of N$58 650 (including VAT) and had been used