[100 marks]
Answer all the questions of Section A in the answer book(s) provided.
Question 1
Differentiate between the different approaches companies can follow in order to direct strategic
orientation in international markets.
Question 2
A foreign country's economic viability should be assessedbefore and during international marketing.
Compile a checklist for McDonalds regarding the country's economic position. The checklist should
contain at least nine (9) points.
Question 3
Explain the four (4) types of political risks that international businesses face.
Question 4
Explain the various options available to an international marketer with regards to dispute resolution.
Question 5
5.1 Differentiate between the three (3) main legal systems in international marketing. Mention
under which of the main legal systems the Namibian law abides to.
5.2 As an international marketer, you will face different legal systems in different countries. The
legal environment forms a very critical component in international contracts. Describe the
common issues in legal environment.
Question 6
Outline and briefly describe the process of cultural analysis
Question 7
7.1 Outline the planning phases when an organization such as Namib Mills want to enter new
7.2 Namib Mills foresees going international and must decide on which market entry mode to use.
There are a few issues a company must take into co~siderafion when deciding on the entry
mode to a foreign market. Construct a decision criterion for the mode of entry which includes all
the categories that need to be considered.