[20 MARKS]
1.0 Assess whether the following statements are true or false: Two marks for each question.
1.1 Outpatient facilities are for patients who need long-term care.
1.2 An EHRdoes not enhance the provider's coding for billing.
1.3 Electronic Health Records provide relevant information to support decision
making in healthcare settings.
1.4 EHRsystems give provider and patient accessto complete, up-to-date records of present
conditions only.
1.5 An Electronic Health Record can be in form of a web based application.
1.6 It is very easy to do data analysis with paper based records.
1.7 An Electronic Patient Record represents a type of system that allows patient
information to be shared within a single institution.
1.8 Illegible handwriting is a major cause of medical error.
1.9 Mobile devices CANNOT be used for recording patient data at first point of care.
1.10 Better patient care is a direct result of more thorough and detailed clinical information.
[44 MARKS]
2.0 Define the following concepts:
2.1 System Transparency
2.2 Healthcare Administrators
2.3 Electronic Medical Records
2.4 Describe the functions of medical records?
2.5 Describe for how many years should electronic medical record be kept and what are the
exceptions to these rules?
2.6 Identify and explain five (5) risks associated with Electronic Medical Records