Problem 1: [45 Marks]
0 if XE (Q,
Let f:
JR-+ JRsuch that
1--r {
Show that f is Borel-measurable.
(Hint: for any a E JR,consider E = {x E JR: f (x) < a} and show that 1-1(E) E B(JR))
1-2. Let (X, F) be a measurable space. Prove that if An E F, n EN, then An E F.
1-3. Let n be a non-empty set and Fa c P(n), a E J an arbitrary collection of o--algebras on n. State
.:·:-r,.:: the definition of a o--algebra and prove that
I J .-
is a O"-algebra.
1-4. Let (X, A,µ) be a measure space.
(i) What does it mean that (X, A,µ) be a measure space?
(ii) Show that for any A, B EA, we have the equality: µ(AU B) +µ(An B) =µ(A)+ µ(B).
(Hint: Consider two cases: (i) µ(A)= oo or µ(B) = co; (ii) µ(A),µ(B) < oo and then express A,B,AUB
in terms of A \\ B, B \\ A, A n B where necessary.)
1-5. Show that the following Dirichlet function is Lebesgue integrable but not Riemann integrable [10]
X := li1Qn[o,1[]:O1, ]-+ JR
1, if XE (Q
1 X 1---7{ 0, if X (Q
Problem 2: [20 Marks]
2-1. Define what is a compact set in a topological space.
2-2. Show that (0, 1] is not a compact set for usual topology of JR.
2-3. Let E be a Hausdorff topological space and {an}nEN a sequence of elements of E converging to a.
Show that K = {anln EN} U {n} is compact in E.
Problem 3: [35 Marks]
3-1. Use the convexity of x 1--r ex to prove the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean inequality:
'-ix,y > 0, and O < .A< 1, we have: x>-y1->- ,\\x + (l - ,\\)y.
3-2. Use the inequality in question 2-1. to prove Young's inequality:
a/3 '5:-apP + -fqP,
'-ia,/3 >
E (1,oo):
p-l +-
3-3. Use the result in question 3-2. to prove I-folder's inequality:
8 8 8 n
) 1/p ( n
, 1/q
lx,y,I:o'. Ix,IP , IYI,') ,\\Ix = (x,), y = (y,) E lilt", p, q asabove .
3-4. Consider (X, II· lloo,1),where X = C1[0,1] and 111001,11 = sup lf(x)I + sup lf'(x)I and also consider
(Y, II· lloo),where Y = C[0, 1].
3-4-1. Show that T = -ddx : X -+ Y is a bounded linear operator.
3-4-2. Show that T = d~: D(T) s;;Y-+ Y is an unbounded linear operator, where D(T) = C1 [0,1]. [10]
(Hint: use un(x) = sin(mrx)).
God bless you !!!