SectionA: Multiple choicequestions (12 marks)
1. Which of the following statements is incorrect
A. Tissues and organs make up the organ systems of the body
B. Nervous tissue senses stimuli and transmits signals throughout the animal
C. Muscle tissue is the least abundant tissue in most animals
D. Nervous tissues are responsible for communication, coordination and regulation of cell
2. Marine animals that are isoosmotic with their surroundings and do not regulate their osmolarity
are called
A. Osmoregu lators
B. Osmoconformers
C. Ectotherms
D. Endotherms
3. In a study of immune activation, it is shown that macrophages have peptides displayed by MHC
II molecules on their cell surfaces. Display of these peptides is most likely to have a primary
effect on stimulation of which of the following processes?
A. Apoptosis
B. lmmunoglobulin secretion
C. T helper activation
D. T cell induced cytolysis
4. How does a fertilized egg generate a great diversity of cell types
A. The same genome expresses different sets of genes in different cell types
B. Localized Cytoplasm determinants
C. Influenced by environments
D. Different Genomes
5. Which is not a type of epithelial tissue
A. Simple cuboidal epithelium
B. Simple squamous epithelium
C. Stratified epithelium
D. Basement epithelium
6. Which statement is true about pattern formation,
A. It involves the process of cells becoming oriented to the body plan.
B. It involves the cell's ability to detect positional information that impacts the fate of the cell
C. It is the process of cells becoming specialized
D. Is the physical process of organizing specialized cells giving rise to its organs and organ