Applied Regional and Rural Economic Development
Question 1
a. Explain the economic theory of Pure Public Good
b. Using this theory, demonstrate how an economic resource may not be optimally utilized for
the benefit of the whole community
Question 2
a. Explain the concept of "the tragedy of the commons".
b. Relate this concept to the economic use and value of communal land in Kavango East to
demonstrate your understanding.
Question 3
Maltahohe has embarked on a pilot project designed to improve the economic development of the
small rural population living in the village.
a. Discuss the main economic aims of the project.
b. Demonstrate how five of the work packages will contribute to the realisation of this vision.
Question 4
Justify the statement, providing evidence, that the establishment of a Regional Council is the most
effective way of promoting regional economic development in Namibia.
Question 5
Discuss the challenges that confront the development of a green hydrogen energy economy in
Namibia. The following points should be addressed:
a. Explain how green energy is manufactured and what by-product/s occur.
b. Indicate the raw materials required, showing where and how these resources will be
c. Where are the markets for the new resources? What logistics are required for
d. Are any economic/environmental impacts foreseen? Justify your answer.
e. What is the national economic gain for Namibia by developing green hydrogen?
First Opportunity Examination Question Paper Page 2 of 3 June 2023